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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life

Taranjeet Singh

124 posts
May 10 2023
  1. Must-Have Research Paper Outline Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Research Paper Outline Templates with Samples and Examples

    A question that always springs to the mind of inquisitive readers is: What do researchers do? It is too simplistic to say that they research a topic or thing. In fact, researchers are specialists who put in a lot of effort into organizing information scientifically, and then trying to put it to use to take […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh May 22 2024
  2. Top 10 Website Design Timeline Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Website Design Timeline Templates with Samples and Examples

    Browse the websites of Apple Inc., Samsung, Intel, AMD, and many other companies, and you will notice that they provide a superior user experience. You'll notice that these websites try to sell products and services in a subtle way. But how is this possible?    A proper website is developed when different components are prepared and assembled. It […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh May 16 2024
  3. Top 10 Website Assessment Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Website Assessment Templates with Examples and Samples

    The Harvard Review published an official report stating that cyber-attacks increased by 20% between 2022 and 2023. Essentially, these attacks occurred because your website was not fully optimized against these malicious threats. As a result, you should have a solid strategy in place to completely secure your website.    In order to have a foolproof website […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh May 15 2024
  4. Top 10 Virtual Assistant PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Virtual Assistant PPT Templates with Samples and Examples

    Hey Alexa! Play my favorite song. Hey Siri! Directions for the nearest gas station.   We are all familiar with these two statements because we use them daily. But have we noticed why we have started using Alexa and Siri so much? Popularly known as virtual assistants (VAs), their role has become so common nowadays […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh March 21 2024
  5. Top Ten 3-Year Financial Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top Ten 3-Year Financial Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    In financial planning, one year is short-term, three years is medium-term, and five years is long-term. Each of these types has its relevance; however, when making important decisions, businesses always prefer to align them with medium—to long-term planning. This time horizon provides a better roadmap for achieving financial goals, ensuring resources are allocated wisely and […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh March 19 2024
  6. Top 10 Achievement Report Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Achievement Report Templates with Examples and Samples

    The achievement parameter differs for everyone—a business that has touched USD $100 million in revenue has different achievement levels. An employee working in the same company who has achieved an outstanding rating in the appraisal has a different level of achievement.    But how do we measure those achievements? Is there any way we can […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh March 18 2024
  7. Top 10 Save Trees PowerPoint Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Save Trees PowerPoint Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

    If you live in a metropolitan city, step out of your home and inhale the air—it won't be less than inhaling hundreds of toxins at once. But if you visit the countryside, you will find tons of fresh air. But why? Why is there so much difference in the air quality? Because cities have stopped […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh March 14 2024
  8. Top 10 Testimonial Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Testimonial Templates with Samples and Examples

    How can you trust a business? By looking at its balance sheet, the number of employees, or the number of testimonials it has received from its clients through its exceptional work!   A business only gets recognition in the market when its clients speak positively about it. Therefore, building trust and credibility with your clients […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh March 9 2024
  9. Top 10 Facts and Figures PowerPoint Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Facts and Figures PowerPoint Templates with Examples and Samples

    Today's world is data-driven, and there is a requirement for a presentation that conveys this data transparently. Professionally presenting data can significantly enhance audience engagement when preparing a business report, a financial presentation, or sharing research findings. Therefore, there is the requirement of facts and figures PowerPoint templates offering a range of benefits and features […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh March 8 2024
  10. Top 10 Star Rating Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Star Rating Templates with Samples and Examples

    Online reviews and ratings are pivotal in shaping consumer decisions and influencing brand reputation. Among these, star ratings impact how the public perceives products, services, and businesses. Star rating templates are a key component offering a structured and appealing way to display ratings.   Easy to interpret!   Star rating templates are pre-designed formats used […]
    Taranjeet Singh Taranjeet Singh March 6 2024

Items 11 to 20 of 124 total