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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life

Minakshi Arora

56 posts
Nov 16 2022
  1. Top 5 Perceptual Map Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Perceptual Map Templates with Samples and Examples

    The customer is always right! Well, nowhere is this statement truer than in perception and product positioning. Businesses will spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on building a product they think will be perceived as fashionable, only to find that people see it as crass.    The solution to this pain point of being […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora March 7 2023
  2. Top 7 Corporate Strategy Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 7 Corporate Strategy Templates with Samples and Examples

    In today's modern, tech-driven corporate environments, it is easy to forget the role of strategy in guiding everyday operations. However, corporate strategy has a way of making its presence felt. Loosely defined as actions conducted in line with specific policy decisions, corporate strategy needs to be an input into the smallest of tasks in an […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora September 29 2023
  3. Top 10 Cover Letter Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Cover Letter Templates with Examples and Samples

    There is hardly any piece of business communication that is as important as a cover letter. Used both for a job application and business proposals, a cover letter allows you the latitude to fill a blank canvas with the painting of your potential, whether personal or of the enterprise you have built up.    As […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora February 28 2023
  4. Top 5 Supply List Template with Samples and Examples

    Top 5 Supply List Template with Samples and Examples

    Businesses are inclined to look at the marketplace as only a demand-linked entity. The belief is that if you meet the demand to the customer’s satisfaction you’ll rake in the moolah.    There is context to this significant headline-grabbing portrayal of demand as the hero. The supply list or supply chain is the basis for […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora November 28 2023
  5. Top 10 Visual Timeline Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Visual Timeline Templates with Examples and Samples

    Without tracking time, human life would be unimaginable. Businesses need to do it more than any other organized human endeavor, as visualization of scenarios over time is their fundamental pillar of existence.    A visual timeline becomes indispensable for a business that wants to learn from the past and progress. The best way to represent […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora February 21 2023
  6. Top 5 Inventory List Template With Examples And Samples

    Top 5 Inventory List Template With Examples And Samples

    We all know that necessity is the mother of invention. Nowhere does this find better expression than in business, especially in the area of inventory management.    An inventory list carries the concept further with its focus on teaching the concept of tapping market demand to its optimum. We, at SlideTeam, offer best-in-class templates to […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora September 18 2023
  7. Top 7 Employee Training Plan Templates With Examples And Samples

    Top 7 Employee Training Plan Templates With Examples And Samples

    “I do not know why the company has suddenly started treating me differently. I am assigned tasks that I am not trained to do,” this common lament from employees brings home the importance and current lack of employee training. This critical need for enterprises needs to be planned well for it to succeed.    An […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora February 15 2023
  8. Top 10 Employee Onboarding Templates With Samples And Examples

    Top 10 Employee Onboarding Templates With Samples And Examples

    Employees are the bedrock of any organization, and that they need to be treasured is common business knowledge. Yet, not many enterprises put their money where their mouth is and invest in employees. In fact, onboarding of employees is where there is a lot of scope for cutting corners, and it happens a lot.    […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora October 4 2023
  9. Top 10 Consulting Report Templates With  Samples And Examples

    Top 10 Consulting Report Templates With Samples And Examples

    Business Consultant for XYZ Corporation; the job title has a ring of pride to it. And, it is well-deserved. These professionals prepare consulting reports for clients that show the way forward for a business stuck in issues that appear difficult to resolve for the management.    A consulting report, then, emerges as the saviour as […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora February 6 2023
  10. Top 5 Email Funnel Templates With Examples And Samples

    Top 5 Email Funnel Templates With Examples And Samples

    Emails, an integral part of our lives today, are also a valuable tool for businesses with a strong marketing bent of mind. Over half of the planet (roughly 4.3 billion) has an email address and most of them check it, regularly, either for personal or professional purposes. This provides marketers the perfect platform to try […]
    Minakshi Arora Minakshi Arora February 3 2023

Items 31 to 40 of 56 total