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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life

Divyendu Rai

53 posts
Jun 21 2023
  1. Top 10 business training templates with examples and samples

    Top 10 business training templates with examples and samples

    When it comes to decisions involving training and employee management, it is better to train and lose them, rather than not training them and retaining them.   The above piece of anecdotal wisdom sums up the experience of most businesses in the present day world. Creating a learned, and well-trained workforce is one of the […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai June 4 2024
  2. Top 10 Advertising Campaign Timeline Templates with Samples and Examples

    Top 10 Advertising Campaign Timeline Templates with Samples and Examples

    “The best advertising isn’t persuasion. It’s education.” – Jeffrey Gitomer, American author and salesperson.    This quote captures the essence of successful advertising: Educating your audience and generating acquaintance. However, constructing an effective advertisement message doesn’t happen overnight; it requires planning, coordination, and a tracked strategy. Some people though face challenges in developing the schedule […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai June 3 2024
  3. Top 10 Workforce Development Strategy Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Workforce Development Strategy Templates with Examples and Samples

    Today, the world is shifting at lightning speed with little regard for borders and global boundaries. New technologies are developing, industries are changing, and as a result, new skill requirements for workers are developing. Thus, organizations investing in the process of the workforce’s professional and personal development can achieve competitive advantage, firsthand. However, ensuring that […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai May 29 2024
  4. Top 10 Store Meeting Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Store Meeting Templates with Examples and Samples

    Do you find yourself staring at your team and asking yourself if they are dynamic enough for the business environment today? In the contemporary environment, innovative tools and changes in industries appear almost simultaneously. This means that there is always a constant need for a workforce with the right skill set to compete effectively.   […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai May 29 2024
  5. Must-Have Corporate Compliance Program Templates with Samples and Examples

    Must-Have Corporate Compliance Program Templates with Samples and Examples

    Think corporate compliance is just about checking boxes? Think again! In the high-stakes world of business, a solid compliance program is your shield against regulatory nightmares and hefty fines. Did you know that non-compliance can cost companies in the US an average of $14.82 million annually? Shocking, right? That’s where a robust compliance program steps […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai May 28 2024
  6. Top 10 Marketing Review Templates  with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Marketing Review Templates with Examples and Samples

    Marketing gurus like Tom Fishburne have noted that the best marketing does not taste like marketing. It is like conviction that happens without you realizing that you have been convinced.    To achieve this kind of subliminal effect and success, there has to be a planned promotion strategy to find and attract your customer.   […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai May 28 2024
  7. Must-Have Resource Calendar Templates with Examples and Samples

    Must-Have Resource Calendar Templates with Examples and Samples

    Ever felt like you’re juggling a million tasks and just can’t catch a break? We’ve all been there—caught in the whirlwind of deadlines, meetings, and projects, with no clear way to keep track of it all. Imagine having a tool that not only helps you manage your time but also ensures every task, resource, and […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai May 28 2024
  8. Top 10 Market Overview Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Market Overview Templates with Examples and Samples

    Market analysis is akin to a new social network, with immense challenges. For instance, how to write a well-informed, succinct market review or face the problem of collecting the most effective data as efficiently as possible. When collected, the main task is to structure it and package it well enough for use in strategic decision […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai May 27 2024
  9. Top 10 Product Promotion Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Top 10 Product Promotion Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

    Creating an engaging presentation for product promotion is tricky. Uncertainties abound, from guaranteeing crystal-clear information to keeping the audience engaged. We are here to offer a solution, with our carefully-chosen selection of the Best 10 Product Promotion Presentation Templates.   Also, check-out our top 10 sales promotion templates by clicking on the link provided.    […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai March 18 2024
  10. Top 5 Service Transition Checklist Templates With Examples And Samples

    Top 5 Service Transition Checklist Templates With Examples And Samples

    Transitions are critical moments in service management where the flow of operations can determine success. Crafting a comprehensive Service Transition Checklist stands as a cornerstone in ensuring that these transitions occur seamlessly, yet it’s often a daunting task laden with challenges. If only we had expert assistance by our side to guide those checklist formations. […]

    Divyendu Rai Divyendu Rai March 7 2024

Items 1 to 10 of 53 total